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“1929-1932, Germany is hard hit by the Great Depression. Prussian businessmen seek government bailouts with no success. The big industrialists of the Ruhr dream of expansion.”

“The Junkers give President Hindenburg a landed estate as a gift in an effort to win his sympathy for their cause.”

“In autumn of 1932, Adolf Hitler’s party is threatened with bankruptcy and disintegration. To save the situation Hitler tries desperately to have himself appointed Chancellor, but Hindenburg refuses to see him.”

“In January 1933 Hindenburgh appoints Hitler Chancellor in return for a promise to prevent the exposure of the Osthilfe (East Aid) scandal, in which Hindenburgh himself is implicated.

After coming to power legally, Hitler surprises his industrialist benefactors with his extremely violent tactics, but keeps his promises.”

Believed to have taken lessons from a provincial actor, Hitler transforms himself into a statesman.”

“February 1933, The Reichstag Fire. Hitler accuses his enemies of instigating the fire and gives the signal for the Night of the Long Knives.”

“The Supreme Court in Liepzig condemns an unemployed worker to death for causing the Reichstag fire. The real incendiaries got off scot free.”

The impending death of the aged Hindenburg Provokes bitter struggles in the Nazi camp. The Junkers and industrialists demand Rohm’s removal...”

“On the night of June 30 1934 Hitler overpowers his friend Rohm at an inn where Rohm has been waiting for him. Up to the last minute Rohm thinks that Hitler is coming to arrange for a joint strike against Hindenburg and Goring.”

“The occupation of Austria is planned.”

“Under duress the Austrian Chancellor Engelbert Dolfuss agrees to stop the attacks on Hitler that have been appearing in the Austrian press.”
Gun fire! Loud and sudden!

​“Dollfeet is murdered at hitler’s instigation, but Hitler goes on negotiating with Austrian rightist circles.”

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